Design and Development of an Electronic Module for Training in Manual Screening of Individuals or Using Handheld Metal Detector / HHMD Basic Aviation Security Course




Building design, development research, Aviation Security, 4D models, electronic modules


The Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya is a vocational institution offering courses in aviation, including Aviation Security (AVSEC). However, the Air Transportation Management Program faces a shortage of learning resources. This paper aims to analyze student needs, develop learning resources, assess their feasibility, and gather feedback on an electronic module for the AVSEC course. The module, created using Canva, will be distributed via the institution's Learning Management System (LMS) and the author's YouTube channel to enhance learning and improve students' competencies. The Research and Development (RnD) method with a 4D development model (Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate) was used to create the module. In the Define stage, the lack of learning media for AVSEC was identified. During the Design stage, the electronic module was developed based on the syllabus. In the Development stage, the module and validation form were distributed to selected respondents, with feedback from students and lecturers incorporated into the final version. In the Disseminate stage, the module was made available through the LMS. Based on data analysis, the module received a 73% validity rating from students, indicating its potential to enhance the existing learning resources for the AVSEC course..

Author Biographies

  • Joseph Maynard Oloan Sitompul, Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya

    He was born in Salatiga on May 2, 2003. He pursued a Diploma III in Air Transportation Management, Class VII Bravo, in 2024 at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. Joseph is also actively involved in the Resimen Korps Taruna at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic, serving as a Cadet Police from the first to the second level. He is also engaged in extracurricular activities at the polytechnic, particularly with AEFOS, which focuses on English language activities.Joseph has completed On The Job Training (OJT) twice. His first OJT was at Juwata Tarakan Class 1 Major Airport, where he worked in the Avsec, AMC, and Terminal Inspection Service (TIS) units. His second OJT took place at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport with Citilink Indonesia, where he worked in the Customer Service, Flops, Ground Handling, and Station Quality Control units.

  • Lady Silk Moonlight, Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya

    She was born in Surabaya, Indonesia, in 1987. She received a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Informatics Engineering from Trunojoyo University in 2009 and a Master of Engineering degree in Informatics from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2013. Her research interests include information technology, artificial intelligence, information systems, computer science, digital image processing, and computer networks. She is a lecturer at D3 Aeronautical Communication, Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya, Indonesia.

  • Meita Maharani Sukma, Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya

    She, Indonesia, in 1980. She received a Bachelor degree in English Language and Literature Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at PGRI Adi Buana University in 2005, Master degree in Education Technology, concentration in English Language and Literature Education at PGRI Adi Buana University in 2013. Her research interests on English Language Education. The author is an Aviation English lecturer and Head of study program of Air Traffic Control at Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya, under Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Design and Development of an Electronic Module for Training in Manual Screening of Individuals or Using Handheld Metal Detector / HHMD Basic Aviation Security Course. (2024). Appissode: Application, Information System and Software Development Journal, 2(3), 44-49.