Development of Airport Airside and Landside Facilities Inspection Application: Enhancing Safety and Efficiency
Appsheet, Android, iOS, Mentawai Airport, Application, InspectionAbstract
Digital transformation, or digitization, has positive impacts on income, business, and organizational performance. Mobile applications, designed for smartphones, have become a part of everyday life and are used in various fields, such as communication, travel, transportation, and tourism. In the transportation sector, mobile applications have been used for navigation, traffic safety, and transportation inspections, which is reducing paper usage and improving efficiency. Mentawai Airport, a replacement for Rokot Airport, is the focus of application development research because it still uses paper-based facility inspection. The Airport Facilities Inspection Report (AFIR) aims to improve efficiency and effectiveness in inspection activities. Making applications using the Appsheet program. The research method uses research and development and the testing method uses the Black Box method. How the AFIR application works can be used online or offline with Android or iOS-based hardware. The AFIR application database uses Google Sheets with cloud storage on Google Drive. The test results using a black box show that the AFIR application can be used well. The output from the AFIR application is PDF inspection files, inspection documentation, and spreadsheet files of inspection data results.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Juliansyah Dwi Ananda Putra, Linda Winiasri, Fahrur Rozi, Lady Silk Moonlight (Author)

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