Web-Based Flight Schedule Reminder Application
Reminder application, Flight schedule, Research and Development, Likert Scale, GateAbstract
The rapid growth of Indonesia's aviation industry has created a demand for digital solutions to help passengers manage flight schedules efficiently. This final project focuses on developing "EBAND," a web-based flight schedule reminder application that provides real-time notifications, gate information, and enhances passenger comfort. The research follows the Research and Development (R&D) approach, using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). In the analysis stage, observations identified user needs for flight schedule management and gate information. Based on these findings, EBAND was developed with two main features: flight schedule reminders and gate information. The application was tested by media and management experts, as well as users, to evaluate its functionality, user interface, and experience. Data was analyzed using the Likert scale to assess satisfaction and effectiveness. Results show that EBAND successfully assists passengers in managing flight schedules and offers a positive user experience. The app is positioned as an effective solution to support organized and efficient air travel in Indonesia, with potential for further development in similar applications.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Rezalhaque Rismansyah, Ahmad Musadek, Catur Erik Wibowo, Lady Silk Moonlight (Author)

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