Design of Gas Leakage System and Automatic Fan Using Tsukamoto Fuzzy Logic Based on Arduino in Welding Shop Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic
Gas Leak, Tsukamoto Fuzzy Logic, CO, FanAbstract
The risk of hazards in the work environment is very high, especially in the welding process. Gas leaks in welding workshops are very risky to the safety and health of workers. This causes the need for a reliable and responsive gas leak detection system. This final project designs and builds a gas leak detection system and automatic fan using Tsukamoto fuzzy logic to be applied in the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic Welding Workshop. In its design, this system uses two MQ6 gas sensors as CO, CH4, H2, and LPG gas detectors. Then the data obtained from the sensor will be processed by Arduino using Tsukamoto fuzzy logic as a method to determine environmental conditions in three hazardous states: Based on the results of data processing, arduino as a system will control the LCD display, buzzer and fan as a warning so that workers can immediately take appropriate action, the test results show that this system is able to detect gas leaks reliably with high accuracy and is able to provide a rapid response as a reduction in the risk of fire, explosion and health in the long term. With this system, it is expected to improve work safety and maintain the health of workers in the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic Welding Workshop.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Luh Ayu Puspita Dewi, Rifdian Indrianto Sudjoko, Lady Silk Moonlight, Teguh Arifianto (Author)

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