Design and Construction of Food and Beverage Purchasing System Using the Drive Thru Method
Drive Thru, Push Button, Ultrasonic Sensor, Conveyor, Fast FoodAbstract
The Drive Thru sales system is quite well known in Indonesia and is used by several fast food restaurants such as: McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut and others. This system provides fast service where when consumers buy food or drinks they don't need to get off their vehicle. After analyzing that there are problems such as the Drive Thru system only uses voice when ordering, which will be an obstacle for consumers who have speech impairments such as speech impairments. The Drive Thru system was developed using push buttons as a tool for selecting menus, using ultrasonic sensors to detect arriving consumers while providing information via speakers, conveyors are used to make it easier for waiters to deliver orders that are ready to be taken by consumers, adding a conveyor to minimize slow restaurant waiters responding which will result in long queues.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Retno Devita, Ondra Eka Putra, Rofiq Anshari (Author)

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