Web-Based Quiz Application
Edmodo, Google Forms, Learning Evaluation, Sectional Quizzes, Quizizz, Quiz LimitationsAbstract
Innovations in technology have an impact on education, particularly evaluation. Edmodo, Google Forms, and Quizizz are examples of web apps that make it easy to assess learning. However, there is no time restriction for answering inquiries via Google Form. Because Kahoot and Quizizz have restricted quiz styles and processing durations, it is impossible to assess students' abilities thoroughly. The answer is to utilize a new quiz type called "sectioned quiz" that breaks the quiz into timed portions. Teachers may acquire a better grasp of each section's student knowledge, identify areas for growth, and build more tailored teaching solutions.This app is a flexible tool for evaluating participant learning and comprehension of classes. It enables subject-specific evaluation, making estimating participant knowledge levels easier. This app makes it easier to respond to queries and adds a feature that allows users to rate their replies. Furthermore, this function evaluates the quality of the quiz questions, assisting in their development to achieve an adequate degree of rigor.References
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Copyright (c) 2023 Zukhrofy Abbar, Muhammad Affandes, Reski Mai Candra (Author)

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